Last reviewed February 1st 2022
Introductory Statement
Health and safety only works well when managers take all issues seriously and when all members of staff are fully aware and properly trained to fulfill their responsibilities.
1. Policy Aims
Incyte is committed, by all reasonable means within its power, to provide a safe, healthy and secure environment for its employees, service users and clients. Through legal compliance of Health and Safety Legislation and Occupational Environmental Health and Welfare Legislation and to seek to provide the necessary resources to enable directors, and managers to discharge their responsibility under this policy for the health and safety of all staff.
2. Management Responsibilities
The Directors of Incyte are ultimately responsible and accountable for the health and safety of all employees and take the responsibility for the implementation of the health and safety requirements. All general and line managers are held responsible to the Directors for ensuring that systems and procedures for safe working are developed, utilized, operated and maintained amongst all the staff for which they are responsible. This includes service providers and clients.
The company will provide professional indemnity insurance for the any Incyte consultant working on an Incyte contract.
3. Employees Responsibilities
Employees whilst at work must:
Take responsibility for their own working environment when working from home.
Take all reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or omissions whilst at work.
Co-operate with their employer so far as is reasonable for him/her to comply with any other duty or requirement under any of the relevant statutory provisions.
Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for the purpose of health and safety at work.
A poster of ‘Health and Safety Law – what you should know’ can be found in all workplaces. Leaflets can also be obtained from managers.
4. Travelling to and from an Incyte contract
Incyte will endeavour to place contracts with consultants so that there is minimum travel required.
All consultants are expected to plan their journeys to take into account the length of the trip. Incyte would ask consultants to be aware of tiredness at the end of a long day or contract and consider staying an extra night if having to make a long journey.
When using a vehicle in connection with an inspection or other business being carried out on behalf of Incyte, you will be responsible for ensuring that the vehicle you are driving is safe and legal, properly insured for business use, is taxed and has a current MOT certificate if required.
All consultants using vehicles on Incyte business are expected to comply with traffic legislation, be conscious of road safety and demonstrate safe driving and other good road safety habits.
The following actions while driving on Incyte business will be viewed seriously and may lead to suspension or cessation of your commercial arrangements as an Incyte consultant: driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; driving while disqualified or not correctly licensed; reckless driving causing death or injury; failing to stop after an accident; acquiring penalty points leading to suspension of your licence; any actions that warrant suspension of your licence.
During a contract
On arrival, you should sign in or otherwise record your presence.
You must carry your DBS certificate and photo ID such as passport or driving license.
While on site, you will be covered by Incyte’s insurance and the school’s/organisation’s health and safety guidance, including fire exits and you should familiarise yourself with it, including making yourself aware of the procedures that will apply in an emergency.
Incident reporting
All consultants are responsible for reporting all accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses to Incyte, and where appropriate, recorded at the setting or premises being visited by completion of an accident book and/or compliance with other local requirements.
It is important that all incidents are reported to allow Incyte to: establish the details of the incident; assess the effectiveness of existing policies, procedures and so on; and identify individuals who may need further support.
5. Senior Management and Workplace Health and Safety Groups
Health and safety will be a part of all management meetings as an agenda item. Directors will also discuss at quarterly meetings any health and safety issues to ensure best health and safety practice is in place. The directors will also ensure that any issues arising from managers are dealt with immediately.
Copies of notes or minutes relating to health and safety will be held by the Director with the designated role of Company Secretary.
The company will ensure, by all means possible, that the mental health of their associates and employees is paramount and will provide support and mentoring should the need arise. Bi-monthly well-being seminars are held for those who wish to attend.
All associate consultants and the directors will have up to date DBS certificates.
5. Organisational Arrangements
All Directors and employees will be trained regularly on all health and safety related matters. This will include: fire precautions, first aid procedures, accident reporting procedures as appropriate.
All new employees will be inducted through training to ensure they are fully aware of all existing company health and safety procedures, information and regulations.
As part of its legal duties under the Management regulations 1999 (Section 3) and in keeping with the departments ‘best practice’, all personnel will have access to risk assessment training to enable them to be competent and confident in identifying, evaluating, implementing control measures, monitoring and reviewing all significant hazards in the workplace.
All accidents or acts of violence/aggression and dangerous occurrences (identified under RIDDOR requirements) must be reported and recorded using the appropriate company forms. It is the responsibility of those in positions of responsibility and those who are victims to report any incidents as soon as possible.
Notices setting out first aid arrangements will be made available to all employees. All those identified as first aiders will be trained and have this regularly updated.
Notices setting out fire procedures are made available to all personnel. Fire alarms will be regularly tested and fire drills will take place on a regular basis. All personnel will be aware of how to use fire extinguishers and to know when this is appropriate.
Consultants will annually undergo update safeguarding training and will receive bi monthly safeguarding news letters from the Incyte safeguarding team.
6. Response to Pandemics
The directors will follow government guidance in terms of health and safety in light of a pandemic situation. Employees and consultants will be alerted to the guidance and advised accordingly. Meetings will be held virtually if necessary. The directors will make every attempt to support mental health issues.
Date of Last Review - 1.05.2020
Person Responsible - Caroline McKee, Director